Music Producer / Performance
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Tanith started Djing in some Youthclub in Alzey, a small town in Germany’s south. Every Fridaynight there was Punk from Tanith and his collegues, which was not really in the interest of the Hippy-promoters.
1984 Tanith moves to Wiesbaden, there he installs the Industrialevent “Exzess”
1987 After 3 years Wiesbaden he moves to Berlin
1988 He attends the first Acidhouseparties in Berlin Locations like Tempodrom or Turbine. Then he debuts as DJ at the legendary UFO (the first incarnation of what became Tresor a few years later)
1989 Tanith organises “Cyberspace” his first own night at the second UFO. In the same year he becomes resident of Tekknozid, the first german rave.
1990 Tanith is journalist for Frontpage, the first german technomagazine and does the first european interview with Underground Resistance and countless recordreviews
1991 Change from UFO to Tresor and becomes the first resident there. Hardcoretanith is called “the world’s hardest DJ, others call him “Lord of mean noises”.
Tanith is one of the Djs of the first Mayday and becomes resident for 8 following Maydays. He is also djing at Walfisch, the legendary Afterhourclub of Berlin. He founds Bash Records with Jürgen Laarmann, Editor of Frontpage on which he releases his first collaborations with Mijk van Dijk.
1992 “Breakcore” is the title of Tanith’s Breakbeatevent at Gymnastik, an ongoing love to Breaks evolves. In the UK he plays as first german Dj at Universe and brings Hardcore to the UK, followed by “DJ of the month in Face and ID-Magazine.
1993 Tanith opens EXIT, which sets standards to afterhourclubbing
1994 Tanith is Cofounder of Vereinsheim. At the Loveparade he shocks people with a real tank as a float.
1995 Rave & Cruise, Tanith makes it official that he will not play for Mayday anymore, which causes lots of discussions in the technoscene. On sundays he is regulary playing “Club the Rest” at Tresor with upcoming Djane Ellen Allien.
1996 Tanith propagates a new sound which he calls a bastard between Trip Hop and Techno. For that he is organizing “Skulls & Crossbones at E-Werk. Nature One happens for the first time and since then Tanith is resident at that Event. He also gets his own Bunker there, to feature his definition of Breaks combined with Techno with his collegues from Timing.
1997 Back in the Studio, Tanith produces his first 12″ for years with the guys from Genlof, the result is called “Bronco” and sells that good that it appears in the German Dance Charts on the selffoundes imprint Timing Recordings.
1998 Tanith is doing Remixes for the band Blind Passengers, Rammstein and finally signs to Motor Music for an album.
1999 The album gets released, “Still” is the title. Two videos acomplish the album. After the album Tanith is reviving Bash Records to have an outlet for his more technooriented tracks and projects. With 7 gigs he is ´the most booked artist at the Loveparade.
2000 www.tanith.org starts and sets standards as what a Dj-site can be. At the same time the Bashtour through Europe starts with collegues like Thomas P Heckmann, Thomas Schuhmacher, Rob Acid and Mijk van Dijk. It is one of the biggest and longest tours that ever happened in a technocontext.
2001 Tanith is doing remixes for DJ Rush and Munich Performanceartist Flatz in which’s Berlinperformance he is involved.
2002 Tanith parts, after another sucessfull yearly Tour through Germany, with the project TAKRAF, from Timing/bash to go his own way.
2003 Tanith opens as first DJ ever a Blog on his Website www.tanith.org, where he shows his views and news and also communicates with his fans and readers.
2005 Tanith djs as support for the Prodigytour through Germany and is premiering his sets with Serato Scratch Live
2008 Tanith is one of the keyfigures in “We call it Techno” the documentation of the early technoscene of Germany
2009 Tanith is once again Support DJ for Prodigy at their germanytour and also plays on a truck for the pirate party at the demo “Freiheit statt Angst”
2010 On behalf of Goethe Institut Tanith travels to South Korea with Hans Nieswandt and Wolfgang Voigt, aka GAS, plays some sets, gives some Workshops and exchanges with the local scene
2012 The book “Der Klang der Familie” with Interviews about the early days of the Berlin Techno Schene, by Sven Thülen and Felix Denk is released, Tanith is one of the main protagonists
2013 Tanith created Desastronaut, a new Moniker for his Sets going more in the house direction he is presenting in his weekly club “Sunday Social” in Berlin and sees it as a continuation to the After Hour Sets he was doing in the 90ies at Clubs like Exit, Walfisch and Tresor, but with a new drift towards a Crowd which got older
2015 Tanith delivers a furious, much appreciated Techno Sert at Turmbühne at the Fusion Festival, which is one one of the most downloaded one of this years Fusion and brings back harder Techno on the map, even for the more Minimal lovers. This get underlined with a long awaited Boiler Room Set.
Tekknozid rises from the ashes to cater the demand for the origins of Techno. Tanith is once again a Resident of that event.
2016 Always in service for aktual sounds, Tanith agrees to the offer to curate a show on FluxMusic which provides, besides broad styles, also guest sets and special shows if actual causes demands them.
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